Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A Message From Mother Nature - Questions

1. What is the main point of this article?
- This main point is how global warming effects the earth and human lives. 

2. List four vocabulary words that you do not recognize or understand, lookup the definitions, write them out using your own words.
- Monsoon: Wind that flow with seasons from place to place.
- Drought: a period of dry weather
- Torrential: violent or vehement.
- Acres: extensive landed, especially in the country.
3. What is the difference between “weather” and “climate”?
- Weather is short terms of variation and day to day of the atmosphere. Weather is the combination of temperature, humidity, precipitation, and wind.
- Climate is the weather in some location averaged over some long period of time.

4. What are the examples listed in the article of “extreme weather”? 
- In the United States, flooding battered New England, then Tennessee, Arkansas, and Oklahoma, while a record-breaking heat wave baked the entire eastern part of the country.
- In Russia, a record-breaking heat wave along with a record-breaking drought destroyed millions of acres of wheat and sparked wildfires that killed dozens.
- Over the past few months, it feels like it's been one weather extreme after another. Torrential monsoon rains in Pakistan caused the worst flooding in decades, killing more than 1,500 people and uprooting millions.

5. What experiences have you had with “extreme weather”? 
-I remember that there was a flood in Vietnam but i don't know exactly where it was. It's also a large rain and it's in the middle part of Vietnam. A lot of people died also they needed some boats to help them go away from water, the sea levels was go up and all the trees felt down and hit a lot of houses.

6. What does the word “perception” mean? 
- Perception means a way of conceiving something.

7. What is your “perception” of global climate change?
- In my opinion, if the global warming keeps heating up, the earth will get in DANGER and that effect human lives. If the climate change, it means it will have a lot of damage to the environment. If you want back your friendly planet, so you need to recycle everything that you can. If you don't do it now, you won't have any chances to save your friendly planet. GO AND HELP UR FRIENDLY PLANET OR WHAT EVER YOU CALL IT !!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sweet Land - Map Final Assessment

 There was a really big Sweet land.There are three countries in this big land: Gum, Lollipop, and Candy.
One thousand years ago, Gum was the biggest country and a lot of people lived there. There was a river in the middle of three countries but Gum used to much sugar and they dismissed a lot of dirty water and trash out the river so Lollipop wanted to kill Gum so the war had begun.
Gum was the sweetest but after they dismissed a lot of bad things so they became the meanest land. Ten years later, it still happened so lollipop took their soldiers to Gum's land then attacked them but Gum has a group of soldiers that could hold Lollipop stayed and Gum took more soldiers to come up their for help. Lollipop needed to get back to their land because Gum was so strong and all of the soldiers from Lollipop land was died a lot. Nick was the leader of Gum land. A few of soldiers came back and went to the capital city to tell Zack. Zack was the strongest man in the lollipop land but Nick's land was bigger and stronger than his land so he ran to Jerry's land for help. It's also a big wind flew into Lollipop land so it was destroyed and Gum came their. Then Jerry and Zack wanted to destroyed and killed Nick so they had a big plan to get around Nick's land and revenge for Zack. 1 day later, Nick's land was destroyed by Zack and Jerry so Zack got their land back. Jerry and Zack were having a nice life with each other and help each other. One year later, the population went up a lot because there was a lot of family and children.
                                                                    ~THE END~

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Family Tree

I learned many things from my friends' presentations about their cultures. I learned from Sarah like their traditional and clothes. She taught us the way to bow when we met older people. David talked about the food from Czech, the name was strudel or something and the important thing was he makes it by his-self. Lisa's presentation was awesome because she made a book by her self and she put all the pictures when she was young into the book. That was awesome and really cool way to present. I enjoyed all the presentations and they all did awesome.

Study Guide

Maps: Political, Thematic, and Physical.

5 themes: Region, Location, Place, Movement, Human/Environment Interaction.

6 essential elements: the world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, the uses of geography.

2 basic questions: “Why are they there?” and “Where are things located?”

Jobs: land surveyor, climatologist, location analyst, urban planner.

Volcano: how they affect the human and the environment.

Compass: show the direction

Draw a map from the upper view.